Winter Field Day 2025 – Registration

Please complete the form below to register for our 2025 Winter Field Day event.

The location this year will be at our repeater site, due to the sensitivity of the location, the exact location will be shared only a few days before the event.

Generally, it is near Silverton, OR.

The event will take place outdoors. No shelter is available, you must bring your own supplies appropriate for the conditions.

Visitors are welcome to stay overnight.

Winter Field Day information

Operators wanted for W1AW/7 Oregon operation, Sept. 6-12

Hello Oregon hams! 

Please distribute this to whomever you think might be interested in participating!

W1AW/7 in Oregon, part deux, runs from September 6-12, 2023. 

This is coming up in just about a month!

  • You must be an ARRL member.
  • You can operate from anywhere in Oregon. 
  • You must use a computer logging program that generates an ADIF file.
  • You must apply to be an operator via the ham-qtv site.

When registered, you will have access to a sign-up schedule where you can pick as many 2-hour slots as you want.  

You will select the date, start time, band (6, 10, 15, 20, 40, 80, 160), and mode (CW, Phone, Digital).  

The schedule will show which slots are taken (showing call) and which are available.

Please note that 2 meters is permitted as well, although it’s not shown on the signup sheet.

The procedure to register and request to operate is simple:

  1. Go to the website https://www.ham-qtv.com/.  
  2. You will see boxes for Current Events, including W1AW/7 Oregon SECOND Week, with me N7JI as coordinator.  
  3. At upper right you will see Register and Login.  Click on Register.  
  4. A Register window opens.  
  5. Fill out the form – your call, email, name, and a password (only you will know it – so write it down!).  
  6. Click on the blue Register button.
  7. Click on Logout.  

You’ve created an account on the ham-qtv website, but need to log back in to “request to operate.”

  1. On the ham-qtv.com website, click on Login.  
  2. Enter your call and password.  
  3. Click on the W1AW/7 Oregon SECOND Week event.  
  4. You will see a schedule of bands and times with some slots showing QRV.
  5. Click on the blue Request to Operate button.  
  6. A Request to Operate window opens.  
  7. Click the blue Request button.

Then you wait…for me.

You might want to send me an email stating that you’ve applied as I might be kinda slow.


I will send you an email when you’re approved to take slots.

Once approved I will also send you a set of guidelines for operating as W1AW/7 as well as contact info of the other operators.

Once you are registered and approved to operate…you can sign up for operating slots.

  • Go to https://www.ham-qtv.com/.
  • Click on Login.
  • Enter your callsign and password
  • Click on Oregon SECOND Week event.
  • There is a separate signup page for each of the 7 days of the event.
  • Select the TIME (UTC or Pacific time).
  • Once you’ve picked a sheet for the desired date…you will see the schedule for that day.
    • If a slot says, “TAKE,” it is available.
      • A box with a callsign listed is NOT available.
    • If you want to reserve a slot, click on the “Take” box.  
    • You are asked to confirm you want the slot.  
    • When you confirm, your call appears in Red in that slot.  
    • If you later change your mind, you can click on that slot and confirm you want to release your slot.  

Please note that you do NOT have to operate for all of any 2-hour period. 

You also don’t have to pound away for 2 hours on a band that’s dead.

If you’re done with a time slot, you just release it, and someone else can take it.

If you run into problems signing up, let me know.

Scott N7JIĀ 

Club Scrapbook

I took photos of our club scrapbook from storage while at our 75th anniversary party, while I had the opportunity. These were taken with a phone, under less than ideal circumstances. We hope to digitize much of this in the future in a better way.

Repeater Live Stream

A new feature has been added to the site – the repeater live stream! Find it in the widget section, right column if you are on a computer or at the bottom of the page if you are on a mobile device in the SARC / W7SAA Repeaters heading. You can use this to see how you sound through the repeater system!

How does it work?
Our echolink node is remote, it sits at a club members QTH and is run off a raspberrypi running svxlink and attached to a 2m radio by a USB soundcard. The incoming/outgoing audio is split between echolink and a DarkIce/Icecast server that provides the audio stream that is embedded on the website.

I hope everyone finds this new feature useful!

Nick K7DSG

Donated Radio Gets a Home

A new Yaesu FTM-7250DR was donated to SARC in 2021 from Gerry – W6COU for a youth member. We are happy to report that this radio has found a home! James, KK7DCV, received his technician license at our last VE Testing session. Congratulations to him and we all hope he gets a lot of use out of the radio!

“That is an Awesome Donation to James.  I’m so Happy & Pleased that my Yaesu FTM-7250D radio that I won as the Grand Prize at he Catalina Amateur Repeater Association CARA Picnic, and thus, then Donated that radio to the Salem Ham Club W7SAA.  Nick K7DSG continued the Great Donation into the hands of that New Ham Technician – James”. – Gerry W6COU

Pictured – Nick, K7DSG after James received his radio. Chris, KJ7UYT presenting the radio to James.

New Website

Something look new? Good! We have moved to a new platform and things will look and feel a bit different. This will be growing and changing over time.

Nick K7DSG
SARC President