SARC Standing Rules

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SARC Mission Statement

March 1998
SARC is a non-profit public benefit corporation organized and operated to promote education for persons interested in telecommunications, to disseminate information about scientific discoveries and progress in the field, and to train communicators for public service and emergency communications. SARC also encourages and sponsors experiments in electronics and promotes the highest standards of practice and ethics in the conduct of communications.

Our success is shown by a progressive increase in involved membership, by public recognition and support, by members’ advancement in the technology and by acquisition and utilization of assets. SARC assures success by having an organization with a focus on its goals, a system of leadership development, prudent financial management and a vision toward and dedication to public service. It supports an organized and comprehensive educational program and publicizes its activities and services to the community.


The SARC Post Office Box number will be used for all official Club purposes.

The current dues are $20 a year. Due on July 1st of each year.

The current Family Members will pay an additional $5 per person and will each have the rights defined in Article III of SARC By-laws.

SARC is currently an ARRL Affiliate Club; as such, it will, barring factors beyond its control, uphold its Affiliate Club status and apply for renewal as required to maintain it. 51% of our membership must be ARRL Members to maintain Club’s affiliation.

Each new member of the Board of Directors shall review the current Articles of Incorporation, By- laws, and Standing Rules.

The approved minutes of all regular and special Board meetings shall be recorded and available for Club members once they are approved. Minutes may be summarized but must include all motions brought before the Board.

The Secretary shall cause a copy of the Standing Rules to be posted on the Club website at All Board Members will be responsible for obtaining a copy of the rules. Standing Rules may be amended, added, or removed in accordance with the by-laws upon approval of the Board of Directors.

The Board may conduct business meetings by conference communications equipment, as long as an attempt is made to notify all Board members of the meeting, a quorum (as defined in the by-laws) is in attendance and all members can hear one another. Participation in such a meeting, pursuant to all other by-laws requirements for Board meetings, shall constitute presence in person at such meeting.

Each month, a copy of the monthly financial reports shall be archived by the CFO. The approved minutes of the meetings will be archived by the Secretary in the club’s archive system and posted online at The yearly budget and property inventory will also be stored on the archive system.

The President shall appoint two members of the Board of Directors to hold keys and be responsible for picking up the mail at the SARC Post Office box. Mail will be retrieved at least once a week. If the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is not one of the people retrieving the mail, all checks, bills, and other matters of financial interest will be delivered to the Chief Financial Officer within two days. Others with mail will be notified of that fact and arrangements will be made to retrieve it.

E-mail addresses of members shall be used only for official SARC related communications. The use of any bulk mailing list compiled from collected addresses or the member roster must be approved by the board. This shall not apply to club sanctioned list servers where the member has given his consent to receive email.

Members who are in good standing and remain in good standing, may be representatives at the Macleay Grange. SARC will sponsor four memberships to support the continuance of the Macleay Grange.

The Board of Directors shall meet on the second Tuesday of every month.


Listed below is a sampling of the Committees that are offered by SARC. These committees and groups are not mandated (except the nominating committee), but will be created as needed to best serve SARC’s mission. At the discretion of the Board of Directors, the committee’s (except the nominating committee) can be altered, terminated or restructured by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Executive Committee – Includes the President, Vice-President, Chief Financial Officer/CFO, and Secretary. It shall provide guidance to the Board of Directors with respect to the formulation of Club activities and programs.

Interference Committee – Directly responsible to the Board and is concerned with the detection, identification, and elimination of radio frequency interference in the Salem area, especially as related to Amateur Radio activities.

Antenna Ordinance Committee – By direction of the Board, works with and advises city and county government on developing ordinances and regulations regarding and favorable to amateur radio. Keeps members informed of all pending and adopted federal, state, and local legislation relating to this subject.

Equipment Sales Committee – Works with the Property Management Committee and/or Property Manager to accept donations of equipment and supplies and to disburse such property for use by the Club and its members or for sales, including sales for the donor. Responsible for collecting, storage, transportation, and selling items at the swapmeets.

Property Committee – Works with the Equipment Sales Committee to track and account for property and donations that belong to the Club.

By-laws and Standing Rules Committee – Meets at the direction of the Board to recommend changes to the Club’s By-Laws and Standing Rules when necessary.

Club Station Committee – Works with the Property Management Committee to receive and maintain equipment, supplies, etc., at the Club Station. Opens station as required and requested and oversees operation of equipment. Welcomes members and mentors them as required to use the equipment and participate in events.

PR Committee – Responsible for outside public relations and media publicity.

Education Committee – Helps teach license classes, puts on workshops, demonstrations, etc., for Club members and area hams. Outreaches to general public by scheduling exhibits and demonstrations for schools, special events, etc. Teaches the community how Amateur Radio operators and citizens can communicate effectively during emergencies.

Field Day- Events & Contesting Committee – Organizes and implements the Club’s participation in Field Day and contests. In cooperation with the Property Management Committee, maintains Field Day and contest equipment, selects sites, trains and schedules operators, sets up and tears down sites. Ensures safety of personnel and equipment, submits contest records, etc. Organizes and implements social events and special operating events for fun, to encourage member participation and to publicize the club.

Membership Committee – Responsible for maintaining membership records. Recruits new members at various SARC meetings and events. Sends out renewal notices. Notifies members of upcoming events. Acts as host/hostess to welcome attendees and encourages participation of members, specially new ones, at meetings and events.

Nominating Committee – Selects a slate of officers and directors to serve on the Board of Directors for the upcoming year. Assists the President to suggest candidates to fill vacancies that may occur on the Board, Committees, and Special Interest Groups. The President must not be a member of the nominating committee.

Program Committee – Seeks out interesting and informative presentations for SARC meetings and events. Surveys member interest and committee desires to entertain and educate members consistent with SARC’s mission.

Community Outreach Committee – Provides information and participates in outreach opportunities to explain, demonstrate and create interest in amateur radio and electronics.

Telecommunications Services Committee – Under the guidance of the W7SAA License Trustee, the Telecommunications Services committee is responsible for all aspects of operating SARC’s own telecommunications infrastructure including voice repeaters, data collection and digital systems as well as any third-party telecommunications infrastructure supported by SARC.

Telecommunications Outreach Committee – Identifies potential SARC Telecommunications and
Data Services partners in local, educational, scientific, government, and amateur radio communities. Develop and promote public service partnerships and enhance SARC’s relevance as a public service organization.

Mesh Networking Committee – Manages engineering, installation, operation, maintenance and promotion of SARC’s growing mesh network system. Works closely with the Telecommunications Services Committee to identify areas of mutual interest.

Emergency Communications (EmComm) Committee – Organizes and implements communications and practices to serve the community in emergencies. Trains SARC members, other hams and non-hams to communicate effectively during an emergency situation. Cooperates with CERT, American Red Cross, ARES, and other emergency resources as needed to best serve the community.

Digital Communications Special Interest Group – Focuses on existing, new, and emerging technologies for digital based communications and data systems in all areas of amateur radio. Also explores the use of microcontrollers and microcomputers in amateur radio. Operates a weekly Digital Communications Net on Tuesday nights at 20:00 hours covering a wide variety of digital communications and special modes formats.

Other Special Interest Groups (SIGs). SARC members have a great variety of interests. SARC encourages members to form special interest groups to promote their interests collectively and teach others to participate. Any member wishing to create a SIG needs to present their request to the Board of Directors for approval. Requests that are determined to be consistent with SARC’s mission will be approved and the name and purpose of the new SIG will be included in the Standing Rules.


All money received by SARC will be placed in the club’s bank accounts. The funds will be credited to the account designated by the donor by proper bookkeeping practices. Money obtained by grants provided by other organizations will be permanently restricted and must be used according to the grant requirements.

The board shall approve opening new accounts, closing old accounts, and changing banking institutions. At least two members of the Executive Committee shall approve all regular expenditures in accordance with the Board’s policy.

Board members may be reimbursed for reasonable and actual expenses, up to $100, incurred in the
conduct of Club business with copies of receipts. Anything over the $100 must be approved by the
Board, either by email or at the next Board Meeting.

The expenditure of restricted funds allocated to and managed by specific committees shall be allowed upon agreement of a majority of the applicable committee members. Expenditures shall not require board approval unless otherwise required by grant or other agreement.

SARC will offer to pay dinner expenses for up to two guest speakers and their spouses or partner, up to a total of four, at a reasonably priced restaurant. The club may also present each guest speaker with a suitable memento.

SARC may use automatic payment such as Pay Pal or Club Credit Card for debts incurred. Debts over $100 not included in the annual budget shall be approved by two members of the Board.


Quartermaster/Property Manager: A quartermaster shall be appointed by the board. They shall retain a copy of the inventory of Club property, and retain a current estimate of the value of such property.

Club-owned or controlled vehicles or trailers will be driven or towed only by Club members. These members must have a valid Oregon driver’s license for the vehicle class, must be insured in accordance with State law, must be listed on the Club’s insurance policy where required, and must have a familiarization with the equipment.

All high-value capital property donated to, purchased by, or otherwise acquired by SARC will be identified, accounted for, and/or controlled to minimize loss or damage. The Property Manager or acting Property Manager will be notified by the Club CFO about equipment bought, and by any responsible Club member about equipment sold or scrapped. Expendable (expense) items like coffee and paper, capital items with a value under $50, and equipment held only for sale or auction need not be asset tagged.

All income generated by the sale of donated equipment goes to the Club Treasury, where it becomes part of the annual budget.

The Club projector is to be used only by SARC, ARES or for occasional use by affiliated non-profit organizations with an SARC representative present at all times. The projector is not for personal use.


SARC’s communications systems support the Club’s commitment to public and emergency service. The Board reaffirms the SARC’s dedication to commit personnel and resources to public and emergency services per these guidelines. Equipment and personnel availability is subject to needs for emergency service. Public service event sponsors must agree that equipment and personnel may be removed in the event of emergency service needs.

All persons operating the W7SAA Club Station will so indicate on the station log(s). Control operators must also sign the log. The station will be identified as W7SAA. QSL card generation and response is the responsibility of the operator who makes the contact. Violation of FCC Rules will result in denial of station privileges.

SARC has sanctioned the following nets to be operated on its repeaters:

ARES Net: Monday nights at 1930 hours to be operated by and for the Marion County Amateur Radio Emergency Service group.

Digital Communications Net: Tuesday nights at 2000 hours to support the Digital Communications
Special Interest Group.

Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net: Thursday nights at 2000 hours. A question based net focusing on anything of learning value related to amateur radio. Special emphasis on new hams and others needing help or advice.

Club Net: Sunday nights at 1930 hours is open to all SARC members and guests. Amateur Radio Newsline and ARRL News will be transmitted immediately prior to the net, at approximately 1900 hours.

Noontime Net: Every weekday from 1200 hours for 30 minutes. Run by a different net control each day. This is a simple check-in net.

Club-owned amateur radio equipment may be operated only in the appropriate modes and on the appropriate frequencies by a SARC club member holding a valid FCC amateur radio license and according to Part 97 of the FCC Amateur Radio Regulations. Third parties may use the transmitting equipment only under the direction and control of such a duly licensed amateur who is the control operator.

The W7SAA Trustee shall be notified within 24 hours of any known violations of FCC regulations or other


SARC may hold an annual fund-raising/social gathering. The event may occur at a time approved by the Board of Directors. There will be no alcohol permitted at any Club activity except when authorized for special events.

Smoking will not be permitted at any Club activity held on property or grounds where it is prohibited.

SARC sponsors a Volunteer Examiner Program. This sponsorship includes publishing the testing schedule and related information on its web site, and assisting in locating facilities.

SARC will offer entry-level amateur radio classes at least once a year. Other levels of advancement shall be available for testing as requested.

SARC will sponsor Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and offer Club facilities, equipment, and resources to further their activities. The Board will approve sponsorship of each SIG.


SARC may provide communicators for non-profit organizations, fund-raising events and community service events.


Only the Executive Board shall approve a new online service for SARC.

The official email account is required to be considered “in-possession” of all services offered in the Club’s name.

The Club website and administration shall be maintained by an appointed SARC member(s) in good standing.

All Club Website maintainers at all levels shall be a SARC member in good standing.