Tower Foundation Poured!

Progress has been made at the repeater site. The foundation for the new tower has been poured! Thank you goes out to everyone involved with the club that has had a hand in keeping this project moving along.

Special thanks goes to Mark and his wife Vikki, to Carl and to Jay for being available to go on site the day of the pour!

Club Members Hitting the Summit!

KJ7UYT and K7AVG were out operating in an area northwest of Dallas on the 27th of March. They were operating on various bands and were later joined by KK7DCV and KK7DCW. KK7DCV was able to activate the summit that they were at. It was his first activation. DCV is one of the clubs youth members so it was very exciting us all to watch as K7AVG taught him how to perform a SOTA activation!

K7AVG operating his KX3 and FT-2DR out of the back of his SUV
K7AVG set up his telescoping mast and end fed random wire antenna along with a roll-up J-pole for VHF operation.
KJ7UYT set up his FT-891 to run the FT8 mode from the back of his SUV powered by a LiFePo4 battery.
KJ7UYT had his 4BTV set up on a homemade base mount.

Club members portable!

A few of us from the W7SAA club went out to a location northwest of Dallas this morning and set up for a quick portable operation. Had a great time with the four of us. It was Chris KJ7UYT, Andrew KJ7ZYM, Patrick KK7DCW, and James KK7DCV! Chris was heard all the way in North Africa with just 20w from his FT-891 and a Hustler 4BTV vertical antenna. Patrick ran a 53′ end fed wire with his Yeasu 991A powered from his truck batteries.

KJ7UYT working 15m on his FT-891

KK7DCW and KK7DCV working on 20m with a 53′ End Fed Wire antenna

Repeater Live Stream

A new feature has been added to the site – the repeater live stream! Find it in the widget section, right column if you are on a computer or at the bottom of the page if you are on a mobile device in the SARC / W7SAA Repeaters heading. You can use this to see how you sound through the repeater system!

How does it work?
Our echolink node is remote, it sits at a club members QTH and is run off a raspberrypi running svxlink and attached to a 2m radio by a USB soundcard. The incoming/outgoing audio is split between echolink and a DarkIce/Icecast server that provides the audio stream that is embedded on the website.

I hope everyone finds this new feature useful!

Nick K7DSG

Donated Radio Gets a Home

A new Yaesu FTM-7250DR was donated to SARC in 2021 from Gerry – W6COU for a youth member. We are happy to report that this radio has found a home! James, KK7DCV, received his technician license at our last VE Testing session. Congratulations to him and we all hope he gets a lot of use out of the radio!

“That is an Awesome Donation to James.  I’m so Happy & Pleased that my Yaesu FTM-7250D radio that I won as the Grand Prize at he Catalina Amateur Repeater Association CARA Picnic, and thus, then Donated that radio to the Salem Ham Club W7SAA.  Nick K7DSG continued the Great Donation into the hands of that New Ham Technician – James”. – Gerry W6COU

Pictured – Nick, K7DSG after James received his radio. Chris, KJ7UYT presenting the radio to James.

New Website

Something look new? Good! We have moved to a new platform and things will look and feel a bit different. This will be growing and changing over time.

Nick K7DSG
SARC President