A new Yaesu FTM-7250DR was donated to SARC in 2021 from Gerry – W6COU for a youth member. We are happy to report that this radio has found a home! James, KK7DCV, received his technician license at our last VE Testing session. Congratulations to him and we all hope he gets a lot of use out of the radio!

“That is an Awesome Donation to James. I’m so Happy & Pleased that my Yaesu FTM-7250D radio that I won as the Grand Prize at he Catalina Amateur Repeater Association CARA Picnic, and thus, then Donated that radio to the Salem Ham Club W7SAA. Nick K7DSG continued the Great Donation into the hands of that New Ham Technician – James”. – Gerry W6COU

Pictured – Nick, K7DSG after James received his radio. Chris, KJ7UYT presenting the radio to James.